About a month and a half ago, Adam was on the phone and he wouldn't let me hear what he was talking about. He kept going in the other room and was talking quiet. When he got off, I got out of him that it was my dad, but he wouldn't tell me what they were talking about. So I called my mom and told her about it and I thought that Adam was going to get me a gun for my b-day. I have been asking him for a gun for awhile now and he would have to call my dad to know what kind to get me. (He isn't into guns!)
I didn't think I was going to get anything else for my b-day because Adam had me fly to San Fran. the Thurs before my b-day and sent me shopping to get some clothes for myself while he was at work. After he got off, we met for dinner and then he took me to see Wicked. I thought that was the best present ever. I was good with all of that.
So on the Sat before my b-day, he took me to dinner. When we got there, he made me take in this BIG long present. I was a little embarrassed! So after we ordered, he made me open it. Yes everyone was staring. So I pulled out a very long 2X4 with a play cap gun taped to it that said PSYCH. I found out later that was my mothers idea. She thinks she is so funny!! So when I was done turning red from embarrassment, he handed me a bag with my "real" present. It was a folder with a print out of flight plans for us, our kids, and my parents to Florida for a week, a picture of the place we were staying, and pictures of everything there is to do in Disney world. I guess he had started planning it with my parents in Jan. and I had no idea!!
So to top that off, we headed home after dinner and to my surprise, our driveway was full of cars. I noticed that they all belonged to family members so I thought that just my family was there. Oh no.... I had a house FULL of people. Adam , my mom, sisters, grandma, his mom, and my friends had planned the best surprise party ever. They had decorated my house, had a ton of food, Crystal had a banner made, and they had just gone way overboard. Everything was so cute and so fun! I have never felt so loved and spoiled in my life. It definitely made turning 30 a lot easier. Thank you all so much!! I really couldn't have asked for a better husband , family and friends!

Let me know if you are interested and I will get you her info. I have more picts if you want to see them.

Happy b-day DJ. Sorry you had to spend your birthday at my birthday party. You can't blame me though, I had no idea. We will have to make up for it next year and have a huge party just for you!!